Friday, March 28, 2008

Bucket Head

I'm watching Munich right now. The events that this movie is based on occurred a year before I was born. I knew about the massacre in Munich but not the operations that were carried out by Israel afterwards. I am enjoying the movie but the topic is not for the faint of heart. I would recommend it but it's not for young children.
I have been usual. My friend Shane came over this week to help me with a bit of a flooring dilemma that has plagued me for some time. I have to say that it turned out to be a success. Thanks Shane. You get a gold star by your name. I started painting our basement so that should be done fairly soon along with the unscheduled bathroom updating I had to begin a couple weeks ago (long story).
Emma is another story. She has never been one to wear a hat. If I put a hat on her head she will normally take it off and toss it aside. But not anymore. I discovered that if you get the right hat then she will readily accept it.
Disclaimer: This is not a real KFC bucket. Thus no grease. It was a toy bucket that had toy pieces of chicken and biscuits and stuff.

Exhibit A:Need I say that this little angel has won my heart?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ROTFLOL...I LOVE that photo!! :D

Wah-oh...what happened to your post title? Did you just not title this post for some reason or did I mess something up for you when I was tweaking your blog? Hmmmm...let me know. Love you. God bless, T