Thursday, May 31, 2007


Tera called me very early this morning to tell me that Emma was admitted to the hospital. Her dehydration had worsened so the doctor decided to haver her admitted. The hospital originally told Tera that Emma would be released earlier today but her condition has changed and her stay is now indefinite. As you can imagine Tera is besides herself and I am not doing so well myself. THis is all I know for right now. Please pray for Emma.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I spoke with Tera on Tuesday and she is now sick as well. Something is going around and Tera and Emma are both suffering from it. Hopefully they will be feeling better soon. If not, I will be there this weekend to help where and when I can.
Thanks to all of those who have been visiting Tera's blog. I let her know that you have been asking/worrying about her. When she is able to post she will. If not soon then it will be early next week at the latest.


Monday, May 28, 2007


In case you have gone to Tera's blog and noticed that she has not posted lately; She currently has no internet access. The problem apparently lies somewhere in the city and not in the place she and Emma are staying. Frustration abounds.
I will let you know that she is feeling better but Emma has seen better days. She might have the flu or something. Tera is keeping an ever watchful eye on her.
Their bonding continues and I will be joining them at the end of this week.
We are very excited. Our homecoming is scheduled for June 9th.
Please continue to pray for us as the process isn't over until it's OVER. We do see the light at the end of the tunnel and are so thankful for the Lords favor and mercy throughout this entire process. Keep checking back to Tera's blog for updates (and pictures). Hopefully the internet issues will be resolved soon.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

And away we go!

I took Tera to to the airport this morning. She will be reunited with Emma this afternoon. Actually it is probably happening as I type this right now. It has been a whirlwind leading up to this point. So much has happened. It has been emotionally taxing for the both of us. But here we are and we have the Lord to thank. He has been so faithful. We feel blessed.

Tera and I will be separated for the longest amount of time in our 11 year marriage. I miss her already. But I have tons to do and hopefully these projects will make the time seem to fly by. I don't have a ton to say since it is hard to explain in the time that I have what has transpired over the course of the last 3 months. I will try soon.

As for now Tera and I are apart and Lord willing the 3 of us will be together very soon and coming home to introduce Emma to an eagerly awaiting family back in Minnesota.

Till next time.
