Sunday, July 01, 2007

My how time flies

Oh where has the time gone? Our sweet Miss Emma has now been home for almost one month now. She will be 9 months old on the 4th of July and the time is flying by. Tera just commented yesterday that it seems like we just got home two days ago and I would agree. Our return home is so vivid in my mind still even though it’s already July.

Emma continues to progress with her new found “skills” and other tricks that she discovers each day. Each morning after work I get home as soon as I can so I can see her smiling face (she apparently is a morning person). Actually I got home yesterday after work and discovered that she had already woke up for her early morning bottle and was back in her crib sleeping. I was bummed. Even though our time in the morning is limited I still love seeing her before I head off to bed. Each day she and I have Emma and Daddy time which is a hoot. A little talking , a little crawling and if we are lucky, maybe even a little rough-housing. She is so active, constantly buzzing around and getting into everything. It’s pretty cool I must say.

I wanna make a quick note and acknowlege all of the friends and family that have been so kind and generous to Tera, Emma and I. People have been very sweet and we appreciate it very much.

On an unrelated note; If you like meat (beef, pork, lamb, chicken etc.) and would like to experience something new and different grab a friend or loved one and head over to Fogo de Chao. My dad took me there back in May and I dream about it often. When (and if) we get some time I am going to take Tera there for lunch or din-di.



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