Saturday, March 03, 2007

For now...

Due to the recent news coming out of Guatemala I will not be posting for a little while. At least not on a regular basis. The news is hour to hour and too fluid for me to keep up. Plus the news gets more and more discouraging and I can't bring myself to blog. So for the time being head on over to Tera's Guatemama blog. She has been updating her blog often in order to keep everyone abreast of the ever changing developments. Please check back at Guatepapa every now and then to see if I have posted and we will hopefully have better news soon. Keep praying in the meantime.




Anonymous said...

Hey Jason,

Just wanted to let you know I am still hanging with ya'll... keeping up with this situation - BELIEVING that Emma WILL COME HOME!

I saw the giggle video - SO DOGGONE CUTE!!! I watched it several times and just laughed along with her each time.


Hugs to you and Tera!!
Hang in there! Don't be discouraged.

Love to you all!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason, I am praying that our God will intervene is this process to bring sweet Emma home to your arms. Hugs and blessings