Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The day after my last entry we received the authorization for the DNA test to proceed. Progress is good. Then a day or two later we received an update from the doctor and our agency about Emma. Included were over 20 pictures of her at the doctors office as well as news about her health. According to the doctor she is doing well and has gained a whopping 2 pounds since we last saw her. We have also recently received news that we have entered family court. All this news makes me excited and gives me a sense of forward motion. We are still planning for Tera to visit as soon as possible but with the Thanksgiving and Christmas upon us it will be interesting to see how it all pans out. We’ll see.


Anonymous said...

Curious to hear how things are going. Did she go or will it be after the holidays?

Lynn said...

Hey Jason!

Just wanted to stop in and let you know I continue to keep up with you guys through Tera. The pictures that come so regularly warm my heart so! That little Emma is such a doll baby! I can hardly wait for the HOMECOMING pictures! What a JOYFUL day that will be! Tera says all is moving swiftly and smoothly in that direction! PRAISE THE LORD! He is working in your behalf and for the sake of this dear little one who needs to get home ASAP!!

Thank you Jesus!
Ya'll hang in there!!
Love and Hugs