Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dreading tomorrow

Emma goes back to her foster family tomorrow...It's sad. Really sad. For the past six days Tera and I have bonded with Emma and tomorrow it will have to cease for a time. It is hard for the both of us yet she has affected us in different ways too. Emma has done things to me and my heart that I can't even begin to explain if I had to. Tomorrow will be hard. Beyond hard.
I do want to say that we are so thankful for what the Lord has done. He has been ever faithful and graceful to us. We are so thankful that we were able to see her at such a young age. The longer visit makes it harder because so much more bonding can happen than if we were here for something like two days. I'll write more after we get back home.
Please pray that our process goes quickly so that someday soon we can be permanently reunited with little Emma.



Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. You will be with your little Emma again soon. I was in the same place a little over a week ago.

Lynn said...

Dear Jason,

My heart goes out to you both. I cannot imagine the sorrow and pain associated with handing that precious little soul back over to another, for safe keeping. What a beautiful several days it has been. This is the part I tried not to think about - for I knew it would be painful. :"( I left a little prayer in Tera's blog for the 3 of you.. may the time apart be very short.. recordbreaking short. I know - they say months.. but I pray for a miracle of only weeks. Our God can do that! He can light a fire under the attorney and the several others involved in the process. It can happen! And I am praying it will! I went to the Guatemalan Adoption process link that Tera sent..there's really not that much to it, IF they choose to act in a timely manner. I pray they will.

Love and hugs (and tears too)

Anonymous said...

I am praying for the whole process to move quickly without any problems. I am trusting in God to protect sweet Emma for you until she is home with you in MN! God bless you. Hugs