... Ididn't have to work so much and could stay home more
...I had a machine that would interpret everything that Emma says, then again I might not want to know what she is saying because she is probably chastising me and that cute little look that she is giving me is actually the stink eye.
...one job was enough. Arrgh.
...we were in Grand Marais www.grandmarais.com
...were at either the Westin or Antigua, Guatemala.
...fruity candy (which is a huge weakness for me) and chocolate wasn't so bad for me.
...gas wasn't almost $4 a gallon...goodbye SUV, hello 4 cylinder car.
...Emma's growing would slow down, she is growing up too fast.
...we could go out to eat at the following places in the following cities:
Fogo de Chao (Mpls) http://fogodechao.com/
Fatt Matt's BBQ (Atlanta) http://www.fatmattsribshack.com/
The Varsity (Atlanta) http://www.thevarsity.com/index.php
The Little Dipper (Wilmington, NC) http://www.littledipperfondue.com/
You get the picture. I like food.
Books I'm reading (not necessarily to myself):
Don't Waste Your Life (John Piper)
Moo, Baa, La, La, La (Sandra Boynton)
Authentic Christianity (Ray C. Steadman)
Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What do you see? (Bill Martin)
A Pig is Big (Douglas Florian)
Hugs (Pennie Kid)
Movies I have recently seen worth mentioning:
Charlie Wilson's War
The Golden Compass (I mention this one to say that it stinks, so don't see it.)
Vantage Point (still watching it)
Bucket List
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (not the first time I have seen it and it won't be the last)
Men in Black (again)
Before I go, thanks Anne and Lynn for your kind comments.
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I'm still here & still reading!!!!
Love to you all & kisses to Emma!
P.S. I found a brief video of Emma & Sofia from March 07....I need to get it to you. Tera & I were laughing so hard because Sofia kept tapping Emma on the head & Emma was trying to talk with her fist in her mouth.
SO PRECIOUS and heartbreaking - where did our babies go??!
Actually, it was late Feb 2007
Sofia was a little over 4 months at the time....
Hey Jason,
I look forward to reading your posts WHENEVER you have time to post.
I know you're busy these days, and I am so with you about the money issues and having to work day and night. It's so hard.
My husband is also working two jobs and working 7 days a week, not to have luxuries or extras - but to buy groceries. : ( These are hard times in which we live.
I'm sorry for the devoted daddies who must always be working in order to live and survive, who miss being at home and playing with their families now and then, at least.
It's hard on us mamas as well. We feel like single parents sometimes. sigh.
I wish we could all go back to simpler times.
You are a good daddy and a good husband and provider.
Love to all of you..
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