Sunday, June 22, 2008

This is sad...

I know that my blog is lame. How do I know that? Two people visited my blog today and I was one of them. Boo-hoo...


Lynn said...

Awww, dry up those tears.. I'm here to visit! HA HA!

Hey.. VERY NICE job on the fence! I saw Tera's pictures of the work in progress and the pictures of your little helper hoisted upon your shoulders! Just too cute!

You've done a lot of hard work around the house and it shows! For a guy who wasn't "handy"... you rock!!

Ya'll be good and give the girls a hug for me!


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I just wanted to say that I just came across your blog and reading that sentence at the top "This is a blog written by a guy who married the love of his life and adopted the daughter of his dreams" - completely brought tears to my eyes. I haven't had a chance to read your entire blog yet but I just had to let you know that your blog is definitely not lame - not in the least!!!! Keep it up please - it's very inspiring and you never know who you may touch with your beautiful story & words.

God bless!