Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Quickie post...

If you read this blog I apologize for not posting. I normally would post on my day off but I either fall asleep or fail to make time. I'm not a very good writer/blogger so when I start a new post my mind goes blank and can't think of anything to write about or I am unable to translate the past weeks going-ons. So this attempt will be a rambling of thoughts without organization and maybe my next post will be an earnest attempt at "getting it together".

December is here. We have had two coatings of snow which will make a nice White Christmas. Tera and I are excited beyond words to have our first Christmas with Emma. This will be a Christmas to remember for sure. We feels so blessed to have her home with us. She gets cuter by the day and she has me wrapped around her finger big time. Emma has her third tooth coming in and another coming right behind it which is affecting the consistency of her sleep patterns.

The myriad of adoption issues in Guatemala continue to churn. So much politics is at play here and it disgusts me to no end that the ones who will be poorly affected by all of this will be the children of Guatemala. Please continue to pray and support those who advocate for the welfare of the children.

I think that's it for now. I will hopefully post some new pics soon and have something cool to write about.



Tricia said...

Thanks for checking in, Jason! :)

Blogland needs you!

Tricia said...

JASON! You, my friend, WON!!! Wahooo!!!! I was secretly THRILLED when Victoria picked your name!

You will be receiving notification directly from Mayan Families of the Christmas Tamale Basket given in your honor!

I hope Emma is feelin MUCH BETTER and I told Tera that Sofia is carrying Emma's Christmas card around with her everywhere and giving the "bebe" many kisses!

Take care!