Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Time out

Emma has been home for over a week now. She is feeling much better and has gained some weight I must say. Her appetite is is more balanced and we all are getting used to the new schedule. No more getting Pizza Luce at 2 in the morning :)

I was looking at where we were a year ago this last week and I was speechless thinking about all that Tera and I have been through since we began this process. The piles of paperwork, the endless appointments and re-appointments. Then there was the waiting and the praying and the daydreaming. PGN was another animal unto itself. To this day I am still amazed of the stress that we experienced during our wait in PGN. PGN really did a number on me. When Tera and I were in Guatemala City we drove by the PGN building the day before we left. For a second I felt like holding on to Emma as if PGN might take her away from us or something. PGN has done and is doing a number on quite a few people. We are hoping and praying that those who are being held up in this part of the process will get through very soon.

But now we are a family.

I am tired. I'm going to bed.

Congrats to Sofia getting our of PGN!!!!!!!!



Tricia said...


THANK YOU SO MUCH! WE ARE IN TOTAL SHOCK TO be OUT of PGN! I'm afraid to go to bed because I don't want this to just be a dream!!!

It is beyond SURREAL and we give ALL GLORY TO GOD. He has been so merciful to us.

Anonymous said...

To God be the glory, to God be the Glory, to God be the glory, for the things, He has done!

Thank you Precious Lord!!!