Thursday, January 31, 2008

Goodbye Nemo...

This is a picture of my clownfish hanging out in his Long Tentacle Anemone. He "moved on" this week. His name wasn't actually Nemo. It didn't have a name. I have a hard time naming fish. Dogs and cats I get but fish, no. Fish have cool scientific names which are way more fun to say. This clownfish was an Amphiprion Percula or "False Percula". Isn't that way more fun than saying Kent or Leon? I know there are those out there who don't like the idea of "harvesting the ocean" for a hobbies sake. Don't fret he was tank raised and did not come from the wild as many of the corals and other fish that we owned over the years. The industry is getting much better about the preservation of the world's reefs. Off hand I can't tell you how long I had him but I know it was more than 5 years. He was part of a more elaborate reef tank before we moved into our house.
I have to geek out for a second. Saltwater aquariums rule. I love to maintain them and they are a ton of fun once you know what you are doing. But they can be really expensive too. Tera and I loved this hobby but it takes time and money. Since moving to our house things like home improvements and the adoption of sweet little Emma we decided put out interest in reef tanks aside. No biggie, when time allows I will get back into it again. So this week we say "So long little guy".

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A reluctant post

I have recently struggled with maintaining this blog. It seems like a good idea most of the time but when sit down to begin typing I begin to breath through my mouth while staring off into a far away place made of marshmallow creme and fruit flavored candy. I need some sort of structure or means of deciding "this is what I will talk about this week". Maybe I'll just talk about what's going on lately.

This week we had our basement ceiling sprayed so it's pretty much ready for the flooring and paint. Tera hasn't picked out the carpet color quite yet so I can't say what color it'll be. We started to work on our basement refinish a while ago and Tera's uncle John has been nice enough to help with the drywall mudding and sanding as well as spraying our ceiling. I owe him big time. He's been a huge help.
I finally finished a video project that I have been working on for two weeks. I must admit that this thing drove me nuts. I knew what I was doing but I constantly ran into Windows Vista issues. Either we need to go back to XP or I need to start selling plasma or something so we can get a Mac. Either way, it's done and I am thankful.
This week was the coldest it has gotten so far this winter. I like it. It's what makes Minnesota Minnesota. Now if we could get some more snow. I think the lows here in Minneapolis were around -15 and Saturday's high was -5. Nice.
Emma continues to be the cutest baby girl ever. This includes earlier this week when she pulled the laptop to the floor thus causing the keyboard to permanently malfunction. Hello, Geek Squad? She now as her two bottom teeth and her two top ones in now. It is weird to see her with teeth after seeing her without them for so long. It just adds to the cuteness. Also, she is beginning to pick up on new words and her verbal communication seems to have more organization.
I have been thinking about Guatemala every day now. It's pretty ridiculous. Plus, as I am typing this the Discovery Channel is showing an Adoption Stories episode that features Guatemala and showed the Westin inside and out. Mmmmm...Breakfast buffet at the El Cafetal. This week on Dateline NBC they featured an expose' on Guatemala and it's adoption system. I have yet to watch it but much has been said about the show many of the adoption sites. Head to for more info on that. Hopefully I will see it this week.
Well, I think that'll be it for now. Thanks for reading. Drop me a line or shoot me an idea of something you think I should talk about.


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The long and winding road

Today is special for a couple of reasons. First and foremost our friend Cheri and her daughter Eliana hve finally gotten OUT of PGN!!! Now for those who don't know who these people are I will ask that you go to and start from the beginning. It is well worth the read. They have been in PGN for over a year with the ever present uncertainty of the current state of the Guatemalan adoption system. Emma was in PGN for maybe a couple of months and that seemed like a mini eternity. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be in PGN for over a year. Her blog is one of the few sites that I visit on a daily basis. Second, PGN in Guatemala announced the establishment of the Central Authority in Guatemala City. This is a huge step for the way adoptions will be handled in the past and more importantly it will be where in process families will be registered so that they may continue on through the process. That's all for now. See you.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Breaking new ground!

Woo-Hoo!!! I have had (technically) over 1000 visitors. I think that I constitute 1/3 of those visits. It's silly I know since it took me pass up this landmark in how many months? Anyhoo, I hope that all my tens of readers have a great day!