Sunday, November 25, 2007


On a most recent and positive note there have been many babies exiting PGN. This is so good to see. I hope that this becomes an increasing trend in the coming weeks. As the list hopefully continues to grow I hope and pray for all of the families in the process during the holidays. This time of year can be very difficult if you are unable to be in Guatemala with your little one. Last Thanksgiving and Christmas was very hard for Tera and I to be at home while Emma was still in Guatemala. Please continue to pray for the babies and their adoptive families.
And to answer Michele's question from last week: No, unfortunately we were unable to get to Cable this year. Hopefully we will be there next fall. Things were very busy and it came up on us pretty quick. If you do go to Garmisch try to go on Fridays for the fish fry. It rules. If not try Lakewoods (also on Lake Namekagon) they have awesome prime rib that come in sizes that range from ridiculous to offensive. Happy vacation.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Here on the home front things are gearing up for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Emma is running now and has turn into a very, very cute one girl wrecking machine. You clean it, she demolishes it. But when she does's done in a very cute way of course. The weather is cooling down now with the daily average highs in the upper 30's to low 40's. The snow should be here soon which means I need to find Emma's first sled. Way cool!
On the adoption front much is on the move. I recommend you head on over to for the latest news. Please continue to pray for the the ever changing situation in Guatemala and also please keep an eye on Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman who will be heading to Guatemala after Thanksgiving to address the current situation with Guatemalan government. Keep him and the meetings in your prayers. Hopefully he will make great strides while he is there.

On a very happy note. Head on over to Cheri and Gary's blog and give them a huge congratulations. After almost one year Eliana is back in PGN which downright rules. Read her blog and send them some love and encouragement. They deserve it.

If I don't blog before Thanksgiving I would like to say "Happy Thanksgiving" to you all. Take time to think about all you should be thankful for. I for one can think of two people I am thankful for. One is in the next room in her crib sleeping soundly and the other is at a Sara Groves concert with her sister.

Eat lots of turkey and take a giant nap.

Have a great week.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Good news? Let us continue to hope and pray.

Does this mean hope for the children of Guatemala? Keep those prayers coming.
From the JCICS dated November 7th:

November 7, 2007

Joint Council has continued to advocate for a rational and child centric transition to the Hague Convention in Guatemala. During our recent presentation at the Adoption Ethics & Accountability Conference in Washington, D.C., Joint Council called for the completion of adoptions in-process, the implementation of the Conventions core elements, an effective implementation date of April 2008 and funding for capacity building. We have continued to work with our colleagues in Guatemala along with members of the Guatemalan Congress in developing a functional child welfare system.

We can now report that members of the Guatemalan Congress, including numerous party chiefs, have submitted a new legislative proposal which;
- I
ncludes a strong ‘grandfather’ clause,
- Designates April 30, 2008 as the effective implementation date of the Convention,
Allocates $5 million Quetzales ($650,000 USD) for the creation of the Central Authority
- Allocates a percentage of the total government budget for child welfare services
- Creates a new government entity to act as the Central Authority in Guatemala,
- Provides for private non-profit accredited entities to provide services to children,
- Allows single potential adoptive parents to apply for adoption,
Creates a functional process by which children can find a permanent, safe and loving family.

The new legislation is scheduled to be introduced to Congress early next week. In line with our mission of advocating for the right of each child to a permanent family, Joint Council will continue to work with our colleagues in Guatemala towards a positive and child centric implementation of the Convention.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Adoption article

I ran across this article link at Guatadopt. Since there has been so much media on Guatemalan adoptions (some good, some not so good) I thought this might help to unravel some of the layers of the situation that exists in a very volatile atmosphere. Mind you, Guatemala has elected a new president as well and who knows what this administration's agenda might be when it comes to the changing adoption process. The bottom line is the children. The countless numbers of children who are and will be subject to a government and an outside entity whose political agenda will affect so many children for so long. Keep praying. So many children need our relentless and constant prayers.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Sign of the times (Part II)

For some reason I am enamored with the past. Americana so to speak. Things like old newspaper ads and political op/ed pieces. It's interesting to me to look back at the articles to see how accurate the reporter might have been or how way off he or she was. Product ads are sometimes the most entertaining since marketing has changed in so many ways. As a child He-Man and the Transformers was right around my time and as a teen I was mostly into timeless stuff like bicycles and fishing. Yet I see these ads or hear bands from the 50's and 60's and I feel as if I might have missed out on a time that seems much more charming than what today has to offer. Don't get me wrong, I love the internet, my ipod and the wonders of instantaneous news on the fly. Some of my co-workers are about 20 years or so older than I am so it is neat to hear about when they first saw the whatever band or movie at the theater or what their favorite TV show was. Anyways, I found this ad. It makes me laugh. Hardy-Har-Har!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sign of the times

I graduated in 1991 but I do remember the Eighties fondly. Oh the days of parachute pants and breakdancing...two things I can say that I never was a part of. Huge kudos to Ah-Ha and Tears for Fears though. But the much is questionable about that era. I submit two examples:

Friday, November 02, 2007

Thank a Senator

Recent decisions made by the Guatemalan government over the current and future adoption system has resulted in the hard work and fervent prayers by many people very concerned for the well being of the children of Guatemala. Many letters have been written and phone calls have been made. One of the major issues at the forefront are the "in-process" cases. I included a link with a letter from many of our US Senators to President Berger and UNICEF. Take time to thank your Senator if you see his or her signature.